Saturday 8th August 2020
Su Gorroppu is the deepest canyon in Italy and one of the deepest in Europe, with a side that rises for 500m (with a cliff of 300m on the visitors' heads). Su Gorroppu was formed over the millennia due to the erosive action carried out by the flowing waters of the Rio Flumineddu which, at the point where it finds its exit from the canyon, has formed small natural pools in the limestone rocks, where it is possible to find the rarest amphibian of Europe (Euproctus platycephalus). During the driest months the Rio Flumineddu flows below the level of the canyon to then re-emerge when the rains return copiously creating amazing scenarios of waterfalls and pools.
Not a difficult hike with a low gradient that can also be done by those who feel they are a little out of practice. Not a difficult hike with a low gradient that can also be done by those who feel a little out of practice.
15 km; 5h walk; Gradient +/- 350 m; Medium difficulty